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Description of the Project
Client: Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture

The Gulf State of Qatar lies on the southern side of the Gulf to the east of Bahrain. It is a major OPEC producer and has recently begun developing massive natural resources of gas. Qatar is a peninsula only 200 kilometres long and 50 kilometres wide with a total population of half a million, the vast majority of whom live in the capital Doha. Traffic growth is more than double current UK forecasts and the Municipality are therefore continually developing the infrastructure, particularly the highways. Doha's highway system consists of four concentric ring roads which are either 2 or 3 lane dual carriageways with roundabouts at the junctions with the arterial routes.

CRHI were appointed to undertake the traffic analysis and conceptual design phases of a new interchange design on the C Ring Road and have carried out an analysis of network effects looking at temporal and spacial distributions of traffic both present day and in the future with forecasts up to the year 2020. Trip generation studies have been carried out and capacity analysis carried out to US Highways Capacity Manual 2 using an Australian traffic analysis package SIDRA. A number of junction layouts were tested before agreeing on 2 level signalised junction with four lanes of traffic in each direction. Construction works are now underway.